Peter ‘Sleazy’ Christopherson
27th February 1955 - 24th November 2010
1) Coil - At the heart of it all / Scatology (Force&Form, 1984)
2) Throbbing Gristle - Six six sixties / 20 Jazz Funk Greats (Industrial, 1979)
3) Coil - Tenderness of Wolves / Scatology (Force&Form, 1984)
4) Throbbing Gristle - Persuasion / 20 Jazz Funk Greats (Industrial, 1979)
5) Throbbing Gristle - Zyclon B Zombie / The Second Annual Report (Mute, 1991)
6) Coil - Dark River / Love's Secret Domain (Torso, 1991)
7) Soisong - Dtorumi / xAj3z (2009)
8) This Immortal Coil - Ostia (by Bonnie Prince Billy) / The Dark age of love (Ici D'Ailleurs, 2009)
9) Coil - Red Queen / Musick to play in the dark (Chalice, 1999)
link for last week's show:
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