
Klang vol. 225 [30.10.2011]: Lost in space

1) Bosse-de-Nage - The Lampless Hours / ii (Flenser, 2011)
2) First Human Ferro - Space Cradle / Homo Shargey (Triangle, 2011)
3) First Human Ferro - Mare Internum / Homo Shargey (Triangle, 2011)
4) First Human Ferro - Traksa Paradoksa / Homo Shargey (Triangle, 2011)
5) Tim Hecker - Sketch 9 / Dropped Pianos (Kranky, 2011)
6) Tim Hecker - Sketch 1 / Dropped Pianos (Kranky, 2011)
7) The Church of Synth - Der Fall von Leviathan (The Haxan Cloak Remix) / The Church of Synth
8) Bosse-de-Nage - The Death Posture / ii (Flenser, 2011)

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